The referees who caused controversy over the decision in the NC-Samsung match on the 14th. (SBS Sports broadcast screen capture)

The referees who caused controversy over the decision in the NC-Samsung match on the 14th.

Starting next week, the benches of both teams playing professional baseball games will be able to hear the decisions of the 'robot referee' in the same way as the referee. This is a response to the controversy that arose when the umpire erroneously judged a strike call by the Automatic Pitching System (ABS).

The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) issued explanatory materials on the status of ABS operations on the 19th and announced that it would place voice receiver equipment in the dugout by the 23rd.

Until now, ABS's decision calls were made by the referee after hearing them through in-ears, and the dugouts of both teams confirmed them through tablet PCs.

However, it was pointed out that there was a time lag in checking the decision on a tablet, so fans were checking it later than fans watching the TV broadcast. There were continued complaints that depending on the Internet environment, the time difference could be as fast as 5 to 6 seconds, and as late as up to 20 seconds.

The controversy grew even bigger when the NC side's protest was not accepted because it was late after the referee applied a strike call incorrectly in the NC-Samsung game on the 14th. This is because it is virtually impossible for a pitcher to appeal before throwing the next ball in a situation where there is a time difference until the ball's trajectory can be confirmed.

Accordingly, the KBO decided to place voice receiver equipment in the dugout by the 23rd, when next week's game is held. Additionally, we plan to introduce additional equipment that will allow the dugout, players, and spectators to check ABS decisions in real time. 파워볼사이트

In addition, in cases where confusion occurs due to the umpire or third base umpire failing to properly hear the call, such as the controversy in the NC-Samsung game, the manual has been strengthened so that ABS field personnel can intervene more actively. Meanwhile, the KBO explained that the point raised by some that “zones are applied differently for each stadium” is not true. KBO said, “The standards set for home plate are applied equally in all stadiums,” and “ABS operator Sports2I is conducting tests to accurately compare actual pitches and ABS judgments using memory foam under the same conditions in all stadiums.” “It is progressing,” he emphasized. To date, ABS' pitch tracking success rate is 99.9%. From the opening until the 18th, 34,187 of 34,198 pitches were tracked in 109 games. There were 11 cases of pitch tracking failure, where foreign substances invaded the tracking area of ​​the tracking camera immediately after the pitch. KBO said, “To minimize tracking failures, ABS operating personnel deployed on site conduct tests 4 hours before the start of each game. “We are checking the accuracy and stability of the system,” he explained. The following is a Q&A summary of KBO's explanation of ABS. -What are the precautions for the referee's failure to receive ABS? ▶ In order to improve ABS operation in relation to the recent problem of the umpire's failure to receive decision sound, the manual has been strengthened to allow ABS field personnel to intervene more actively when confusion occurs in the reception of strike/ball decisions by the umpire or third base umpire. We plan to complete the deployment of audio receiver equipment by the 23rd so that both teams' dugouts can receive the decision sound in the same way as the referee and third base umpire. We plan to introduce additional equipment that allows the dugout, players, and spectators to visually check ABS decisions in real time, and we plan to continuously review and collect opinions on ABS operation and make improvements. -Are the ABS judgment zones applied equally across all stadiums? ▶The upper and lower standards of the S zone determined by ABS are set at 56.35% and 27.64% of the player's height, respectively, and a strike is judged only if it passes both the middle and end standards. The left and right standard is the size of home plate (43.18cm), enlarged by 2cm on each side, for a total of 47.18cm, and is judged from the middle plane. The standards are applied equally at all stadiums, and ABS operator Sports2I is conducting tests under the same conditions at all stadiums to accurately compare actual pitches and ABS judgments using memory foam. -What are the standards and process for setting the ABS strike zone? ▶ABS S Zone utilized various data to set both the zone under baseball rules and the average zone of existing referees as close as possible. This was a measure to implement a zone as similar as possible to the S zone recognized by the players. The opinions of the 10 club managers were reflected in a meeting, and the opinions of each team were gathered and finalized through discussions with the executive committee of the 10 participating club general managers. -What is the pitch tracking success rate so far? ▶ABS judges 100% strikes for balls that pass the set zone, and 100% judges balls that do not pass the set zone as strikes. From the opening on March 23rd until the 18th, 34,187 pitches out of 34,198 pitches were successfully tracked in a total of 109 games, showing a pitch tracking success rate of 99.9%. There were 11 cases of pitch tracking failure, where foreign substances invaded the tracking area of ​​the tracking camera immediately after the pitch. To minimize tracking failures, ABS operating personnel deployed on site conduct tests 4 hours before the start of each game to check the accuracy and stability of the system. -Preparation for the phenomenon of foreign substances invading the tracking camera ▶ We plan to prepare with the operator to minimize tracking failure cases such as insect control in preparation for expected tracking interruption factors such as rapid weather changes in the future rainy season and foreign substances intrusion. . -How was the player's height measured? ▶To set standards for the upper and lower S zone for each player, the height of each team's players was measured using a digital height meter prior to the opening of the regular season. For players newly registered in the KBO League entry, their height is measured at the stadium prior to the game, then entered into the system and applied to the game. Digital height meters have been installed in 9 stadiums. 한국야동